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Energy drinks vs. gaming drinks - you should know these differences

Energy Drink Can with Water Drops


Who isn't looking for that extra push when it's time to go full throttle for work, full concentration is needed at school or a long night in front of the games console with friends is on the cards? But coffee, the classic source of caffeine, is not to everyone's taste.

In addition to energy drinks for a quick kick, a new player has been coming into focus for some time: gaming drinks and gaming boosters. If you think "energy drinks and gaming drinks are one and the same", you should definitely read on: We explain the most important differences here so that you can find and drink the best product for your needs! Cheers!

Energy drinks: Short-term kick with crash

The classic energy drink usually consists mainly of water, sugar (in the Zero variant sweetener) and caffeine. Flavours and acidifiers are added, and in some cases taurine and some vitamins. Especially the combination of a lot of sugar and caffeine provides the body with a quick energy boost, which, however, also drops again just as quickly - the crash is pre-programmed! Energy drinks therefore mainly provide short-term kicks.

Gaming Drinks: Different composition, different effect

Gaming Drinks take the standard energy drink formula to the next level: they are specially designed to meet the needs of gamers who want to concentrate for long periods of time. To counteract the crash of energy drinks, gaming drinks such as those from GAMERS ONLY rely on zero sugar and extra balanced Performance formulas.

Important vitamins for concentration, amino acids such as L-tyrosine or nutrients such as choline support gamers of various genres. The ingredients of gaming drinks are therefore precisely coordinated and support performance, concentration and reaction time without a crash afterwards. Some gaming drinks do not even require caffeine!

 Energy drinks

Gaming Drinks
Mostly very sugary Often Zero Sugar
No special formula Formula specially adapted for gamers
Short-term kick Long lasting focus

What you should look for when buying gaming drinks

The sugar content per portion or per drink should be as low as possible - preferably less than 5%. Nevertheless, you don't have to do without a pleasant sweetness thanks to sweeteners, which are completely harmless when consumed in moderation. Caffeine is often used in gaming drinks for that extra performance kick.

Here you can follow the guidelines of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). The EFSA states that a single dose of 200 milligrams of caffeine is safe for adults. You can find out whether and how much caffeine is contained in a gaming drink in the nutritional value table on the packaging. The gaming drink should be rounded off with a performance-focused nutrient profile of important vitamins or amino acids such as L-tyrosine, which provide the best possible support for your game.

Shelf with gaming drinks

Conclusion: Energy drinks vs. gaming drinks - the better alternative?

Gaming drinks are developed for a more demanding target group and convince with specially developed formulas that aim at focus and performance. The focus is not on the short-term push of caffeine and sugar, but on a long-lasting increase in concentration and mental performance and are often the better choice compared to energy drinks.

Gaming drinks and energy drinks have less in common than you might think. At most, the caffeine contained is often a common denominator, although some gaming drinks manage completely without it. Gaming drinks are also next-level energy drinks because they work smart with little sugar and no crash.


  • Energy drinks consist mostly of water, sugar & caffeine
  • Gaming drinks have an advanced formula, specially adapted to the needs of gamers
  • Instead of a short kick, they provide long-lasting concentration
  • With less sugar and more vitamins, they are often the better alternative


If you want to know what the 4 secrets of success of GAMERS ONLY are, you can read on right here.



Gaming Booster - Healthy Alternative to Energy Drinks?

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