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This is why you need the support of vitamin D

Leaf with sunlight in background

Vitamin D
is vital for your body. But why is it also called the sun vitamin and what does your body need vitamin D for? Everything about the function of vitamin D, consequences of a deficiency and how you can best cover your needs, you will learn in our article.

What does your body need vitamin D for?

Vitamin D is responsible for a variety of important functions in your body. It is particularly important for a healthy skeleton and the maintenance of normal bones. Among other things, vitamin D is responsible for the regulation of calcium levels in the body and thus for normal bone mineralization. Vitamin D is also essential for the normal function of your immune system and muscles.

What happens when there is a vitamin D deficiency?

According to the German Society for Nutrition, around 60% of the German population do not achieve optimal levels of vitamin D. This means that they are not sufficiently supplied with vitamin D and lose the preventive effect for bone health. Risk groups are primarily infants and the elderly, but also generally all people who spend little to hardly any time outdoors under the sun and thus cannot form enough vitamin D.

Especially for children, a vitamin D deficiency can have critical consequences, as the bones can become soft due to insufficient mineralization and, in the worst case, the skeleton can become deformed. But also in adulthood a vitamin D deficiency is risky, because so e.g. the danger for osteoporosis increases in old age.

What's the best way to meet your vitamin D needs?

Don't you take vitamins easily through your diet? Not with vitamin D! Although it is contained in small quantities in certain foods such as fish, liver, eggs or mushrooms, you would have to consume large quantities of it regularly or eat certain types of fish every day to cover your daily requirements.

Vitamin D is not called the sun vitamin for nothing. The best way for your body to produce vitamin D is with the help of sunlight. In Germany, however, this is easier said than done, since the position of the sun in this country means that sufficient radiation only reaches us in spring and summer. In autumn and winter, the formation of vitamin D by sunlight is not possible here, which is why the supply of vitamin D can be quickly depleted in the cooler months.

To ensure an optimal supply of your body throughout the year, dietary supplements can be quite useful. With one serving of GAMERS ONLY Vitamin Drink, for example, you can easily cover 50% of your daily vitamin D requirement.

TL;DR: This is why you need the support of vitamin D

  1. Vitamin D is responsible for a variety of important functions in your body, and it is especially important for maintaining and preventing healthy bones.

  2. In Germany, about 60% of the population does not have an adequate supply of vitamin D.

  3. Deficiency can lead to skeletal damage and even osteoporosis in old age.

  4. Vitamin D can only be formed through certain foods or direct sunlight (in Germany only in spring and summer).

  5. With one serving of GAMERS ONLY Vitamin Drink you already cover 50% of your daily vitamin D requirement.




The combination effect of vitamin K and vitamin D on human bone quality: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.

Selected questions and answers about vitamin D


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