GG, IGL & META - 13 abbreviations every gamer must know

"GL & HF", "I'm AFK for a moment", "GG", "The weapon is no longer META this season", "My MMR is definitely dropped after the Losestreak" You use these terms yourself or have heard them within the gaming community? But be honest - do you really know the meaning behind all of them? It's high time to test your knowledge now!
AFK = Away from Keyboard
AFK means that a player is no longer sitting in front of the PC or console and is therefore not actively playing. A player is often called AFK if he is no longer moving in the game and thus makes an easy target.
DPM = Damage per mag
The term DPM is especially familiar to shooter players. DPM indicates how much damage an entire magazine can cause or how many enemies can be eliminated with the magazine.
GG = Good Game
After the end of a match, it is standard in the gaming community to say "GG". GG means as much as "well played" or "fair game" and is a saying that is also known from sports.
GL & HF = Good Luck & Have Fun
GL & HF are forms of greeting within the gaming community that can be used to wish each other good luck and lots of fun. This usually happens via the chat in the game lobby shortly before the game starts. To save time, these abbreviations have become established.
IGL = In Game Leader
In the gaming community, the IGL is the game leader who guides his team mates and makes tactical decisions. Especially in e-sports, it is important to have an IGL within the teams who leads his team through each mission.
META = Most effective tactics available
META can be certain weapons, skins or other content that is better or stronger than comparable items in the game. Usually, the gaming community finds out after a short time which content is META and which is not. Game developers try to counteract this with patches, for example by "nerfing" weapons that are too strong and "buffing" weapons that are too weak.
MMR = Match Making Rating
MMR is a system for bringing together equally good or equally bad players in a game. Players are grouped according to the skill rating they have earned up to that point. A certain skill rating that a player has or has earned is used for this. A term that describes the same process as MMR and is particularly well known in the League of Legends community is the Elo value.
RPM = Rounds per Minute
The abbreviation RPM also comes from the shooter field. RPM tells players the firing rate of a weapon and is therefore related to the TTK. The higher the rate of fire of a weapon, the shorter the TTK. On the other hand, weapons with a high rate of fire are more difficult to use because they often have a higher recoil.
SBMM = Skill Based Match Making
Like MMR, SBMM is a mechanic to match players at the same skill level against each other. This means that good players are almost exclusively placed in lobbies that match their skill. To get around this, some gamers resort to smurf accounts.
TTK = Time to kill
TTK is one of the most important properties of weapons. In shooters, TTK describes the time a weapon needs to eliminate an opponent. The shorter this value, the stronger the weapon.
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AFK = Away from Keyboard
DPM = Damage per mag
GG = Good Game
GL & HF = Good Luck & Have Fun
IGL = In Game Leader
META = Most effective tactics available
MMR = Match Making Rating
RPM = Rounds per Minute
SBMM = Skill Based Match Making
TTK = Time to kill
PD = Performance Drink
VD = Vitamin Drink
Can you think of any other gaming abbreviations? Let us know in the comments!