5 Questions for MontanaBlack
MontanaBlack in the GAMERS ONLY interview: Which gaming character would be his perfect flatmate, when does he prefer to drink his gaming drinks and what are his ultimate performance hacks? Germany's biggest streamer answers our questions about video games, food and performance! Find out now how the polarising creator answered our 5 questions.
WG with MontanaBlack - who is in?
Monte asks our first question: "Which video game character would you most like to move in with? Most people would probably choose a particularly neat character or someone with a lot of money to order pizza together. Monte's answer, however, is quite clear: "Kratos". The main character of the successful God of War series is neither particularly talkative nor known for his obsession with cleaning, but he doesn't need any help moving in. He simply carries boxes and furniture on his own and we can also imagine relaxed flat-sharing evenings with this duo. As long as the two of them never fight about who has to do the dishes, we see a peaceful cohabitation here - but who would voluntarily mess with a demigod?
A food forever - this food is Monte's Pick
Our second question poses a difficult choice for MontanaBlack: "If you could only eat one food or dish for the rest of your life, what would it be? Whether luxurious, simple or simply something sweet - the possibilities are almost endless. Monte takes a particularly smart approach: pasta is his pick! Inexpensive, easy to prepare, maximally flexible and often even vegan: with these characteristics, pasta dishes don't get boring so quickly and make you feel really full at the same time!
MontanaBlack's Gaming Drink - this is the legend's favourite
We had to ask: What is MontanaBlack's favourite GAMERS ONLY? Anyone who follows the gaming giant's streams knows what's coming next! "The performance drink YELLOW Laser Lemon," he answers immediately. For Germany's biggest streamer, the gaming drink from GAMERS ONLY is a must for every game! True fans know that his second favourite, RED Funky Watermelon, is also a must in his setup. In summary: Fruity, refreshing and of course from GAMERS ONLY - that's what Monte tastes like.
When does the gaming drink have to kick?
For gaming, sport, work and everyday life - from gamers to morning grouches, performance drinks are real game-changers for all kinds of people. When does MontanaBlack need its GAMERS ONLY kick? "In the evening, especially when gaming!" he answers. On Twitch, he often streams well-known gaming titles like GTA and Fortnite for many hours at a stretch. In addition to in-game performance, he also interacts with his viewers in a live chat - the ultimate challenge for concentration and focus. Monte meets these extreme demands like a true professional with his performance drinks!
The secrets of success of the best - MontanaBlack reveals
Many are familiar with the "Monte effect", but what are the streamer's actual performance hacks? "Very simple," he explains. "GAMERS ONLY, but taken to the next level: With sparkling water and ice cubes!". Simple yet ingenious, as most use still water for their gaming drinks. The secret of the legendary loudly popping shaker, which Monte often shows in the stream, is thus solved.
TL;DR: 5 Questions for MontanaBlack
Monte's favourite flatmate from a game would be Kratos from God of War.
Just one more meal for the rest of your life? Monte decides on pasta!
Monte's favourite GAMERS ONLY is of course YELLOW Laser Lemon!
The drink has to kick in Montes streams especially in the evening.
For the next level push, Monte mixes his GAMERS ONLY with sparkling water and ice cubes.